Orthodontic treatment without braces is the dream of the vast majority of patients who wish to have more beautiful teeth in a short period.
Let’s imagine the case of a bride who is getting married in just 6 months and wants to have whiter, straighter teeth without the need to wear suspenders between her teeth during the orthodontic processor on her wedding day.
Both she and you have different options to achieve those straight teeth in less time.
Methods to simulate braces without brackets
1.-ingual braces: as the name says, they go on the lingual side of the teeth, i.e., behind the teeth, thus achieving invisible braces.
Among the benefits of lingual braces we can find that despite being on the back of the teeth and tend to be thinner and smaller than common brackets, they are resistant and comfortable.
While one of their major drawbacks is that if you are a patient with a deep bite in which the lower teeth come close to the roof of the mouth when biting, it will be impossible to use this type of braces since that location is exactly where they should be placed.
2.-Dental veneers: which are pieces of porcelain the color of your teeth that are placed on top of your teeth to help with aesthetics. This way, no matter if your smile is a little crooked or yellow, these veneers will hide their appearance and give the impression of a straight and white smile.
On the downside, we have to say that if you do not want your teeth to be worn down to place the veneers avoid this type of treatment, as the adhesive that sits between the veneers and the teeth will change the pigment of the veneers to a darker one, so when choosing a veneer it is really necessary to lightly wear down the tooth.
3.-Ceramic brackets: although these do use the traditional orthodontic procedure, they have the advantage of going unnoticed as they have the same shade as your teeth, which is why they have increased in popularity.
As a negative point, we have to say that metal brackets are stronger than these so they are more likely to break, however, this can happen only if you do not follow the instructions of your doctor, who will tell you how to live properly with them.
Remember that although there are options that simulate orthodontics without brackets, the best option for a patient should always be the one that adapts to his or her needs and reduces dental wear as much as possible. That is why it is best to choose only experts in dental health care.
At Somos Dental we have the best dentists, our patients and their health are our priority. Patients often come to us to learn about the best options for their particular case and are confident that they will receive the best treatment. This is both a great responsibility and an honor for us, as we know how important health is.
You can contact us through our phone number 623-23-0066 or through our different contact options, such as Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, or SMS. You can also contact us and get a free diagnostic appointment by completing our online form. At Somos Dental, you can find us at any of our six locations in Downtown, Phoenix, Mesa, Desert Sky Mall, Laveen, Avondale, and Camelback.
Get a free laptop when you prepay your braces for only $1,999
We wanted to give the best present that it can be given, the presence of a beautiful white smile. In Somos Dental you can get a free laptop when you prepay your braces.You can schedule your appointment by filling our online form, which will also give you a free diagnostic appointment, so you get your braces while also taking care of your finances.