As we have stated before, the consumption of nicotine and other substances can stain teeth. Once you start smoking or chewing tobacco, or even vaping with e-pens, it is just a matter of time until your teeth start getting stained. Smoking stains on teeth are hard to remove, and sometimes they can even be permanent.
Since smoking is one of the most common causes of stains on teeth, there are lots of DIY articles that promise to remove these stains with home ingredients; however, you need to be careful, since these articles will only further damage your teeth’ enamel.
At Somos Dental, we know that properly cleaning smoking stains on teeth needs to be done by professionals, read the following information to know how stained teeth can get cleaned.
Why smoking stains teeth
Smoking stains teeth since they have pores that can easily absorb tobacco smoke and nicotine in general. That is why even when vapers or e-cigs do not have tobacco, they can still stain your teeth.
Smokers do not only suffer from teeth stains, but they also tend to suffer from dry mouth, bad breath, undiagnosed cavities, gum infections, and are at a way higher risk of developing mouth cancer.
Are smoking stains on teeth permanent?
It depends. When someone has been a chronic smoker for several years, some of their teeth’ stains can be difficult to remove since the stains are way too deep into the teeth. Some of these smokers do have stains that are still difficult to remove with professional deep cleaning. Some people even start developing pure black stains because they have been smoking for so long and not taking care of their dental health. So, yes. Sometimes smoking stains can be permanent.
Does smoking weed stain teeth?
Yes. Smoking weed also stains teeth, since the smoke also penetrates the teeth’ enamel.
How to get rid of smoking stains on teeth
The only reliable way to get rid of smoking stains is through a teeth whitening procedure. A professional teeth whitening can remove or drastically improve smoking (or any) stains.
Do not fall for the sketchy DIY online guides that promise solutions by using ingredients that can only further damage your teeth. Those guides can only cause more problems, such as sensitivity, cavities, and more.
However, if the stains are recent, you can stop smoking immediately and your teeth may be able to recover their natural white color after some weeks.

Where to professionally clean my smoke-stained teeth in the Phoenix Metro area?
If you are looking for a place to get a professional deep cleaning service on stained teeth, you can come to Somos Dental. At Somos Dental we have experience in bleaching once stained teeth back to a shiny white.
You can contact us by calling 623-242-1320 or by filling our online form that includes a free first appointment. Somos Dental has six locations through the Phoenix Metro Area at Downtown Phoenix, Mesa, Desert Sky Mall, Laveen, and Avondale.
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